Sunday, December 14, 2008

More Words to Live By

I have stumbled across many eloquent statements today, not the least of which includes the following from Marion D. Hanks. He asks, "What is our response when we are offended, misunderstood, unfairly or unkindly treated, or sinned against, made an offender for a word, falsely accused, passed over, hurt by those we love, our offerings rejected? Do we resent, become bitter, hold a grudge? Or do we resolve the problem if we can, forgive, and rid ourselves of the burden? The nature of our response to such situations may well determine the nature and quality of our lives, here and eternally. A courageous friend, her faith refined by many afflictions, said to me only hours ago, 'Humiliation must come before exaltation.' It is required of us to forgive. Our salvation depends upon it."

These are more than words of wisdom. They are Sunday-forever thoughts designed as balm to soothe the souls of all humankind, with emphasis on the "kind."

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